1. How can I register to the site?
On the home page, or right above, or here below you can find registration section. To access the site you must enter you general information here. Please add them as precisely as possible, in accordance with reality!
When filling out the form and sent it properly, you will receive a letter which is needed to strengthen the registration. It is possible that this letter will be in a folder for spam mail, please check there as well.
If you do not get the mail within 1-2 hours, it is likely, that you have entered the wrong e-mail address. This can be improved if below, click on link amendment. After repair, the control link will be sent repeatedly.
If you click the verification link in the letter, you confirm your registration and sign up on the site. If you don't do it within 24 hours, your registration will be canceled.
You will be able to use all features of the site only after profile approval.
Register now |
Re-send the registration letter
2. How can I log into the site?
You can log into the page by using the link on the right part.
If you have forgotten the password, you can find there the link to request the resend of your access datas.
If you broke the rules of the page many times, your registration can be deleted. In this case you will not be able to enter with that username to the page.
Login |
Forgotten password
3. I am a new registrant. Why can’t I use the site’s features?
In our information email and on the website, we specifically highlighted in the first message that our members cannot use the site's features until administrative verification is completed. We kindly ask for everyone's patience. The purpose of the verification is to filter out inappropriate registrations.
4. How can I edit my profile?
The profile editing tools can be reached as logged-in user at the "Home" page on the top of the left or the "My Profile" links of drop-down menu or via the link below.
We assemble the profile to be able to give a much more complex image from yourself. Please try to fill in as accurately as possible!
The marking fields are addressed to the site's search engine and to find other users more easily, and if someone else views your form, it tell a lot information about you.
The introduction is an important part of the data sheet, which was strictly checked as well. Try to write it well, that the user, who might visit your profile could get a complex image from you. Please do not write quote, horoscopes, auctions, etc in this section, there is part of that data as well. If you want to create diary, the blog site allows it for you to do so.
Contact information can only be entered only the proper fields. External links elsewhere are forbidden, even those, that you have ran out of credits to send message.
Please be sure that on your profile photo that you want to upload (or in case you are couple, then a photo from you), do not show pictures of person or persons who might do not want to show pictures of whom the image turns out to know that this image will be uploaded to the Internet.
Edit my profile
5. How can I verify my profile?
You can verify your profile in the profile editing section, located at the top right of the list.
To verify your profile:
Upload a photo of yourself holding a piece of paper with today’s date and the text "smpixie.com" written on it.
This photo must be uploaded in the profile verification section.
Once reviewed, you will receive a "verified" label on both your profile and in lists.
IMPORTANT: The verification photo is only visible to admins. If you delete the photo, the "verified" label will be removed from your profile.
6. How can I change my username?
For a 30-day VIP membership, you have the option to change your username to one that is not yet in use. To change your username, you must have at least 31 days of VIP membership.
After the change, you will log in using your new username. During the process, all your data—messages, blog posts, photos, etc.—will remain intact. (Home/Settings)
7. How can I edit my albums?
You can create and edit albums as a logged-in user by clicking the "Home" button or selecting "My profile" from the drop down menu or clicking to the link listed below.
You can create a new album by clicking to the button Create a New Album. You should enter the name and set the permission, whether this album should be opened or private. Private albums can only be opened for selected users. Opened galleries are available for everyone.
You can give permission for users by selecting the link in front of the albu. In the pop up windows please enter the username, who you want to give access and then push the Enter button. Below you can find the previously given permission, that you can edit, remove permissions etc.
You can upload content to the galleries by clicking to the Content button.
If you upload a picture of yourself, then you must tag everyone else on the picture. You can write comments and mark the picture as self.
You can tag only registered people from the site. This user will get notification and when he/she approves it, then the image will appear. This user can even delete the picture.
If you upload pictures from the Internet, please add the source to the picture. It's not allowed to upload pictures from socal media metwork. Please do not upload pictures that contain contact information.
Edit my profile
8. How can I check and approve that I have been tagged on a picture?
You can check this feature by clicking the "Home" button or selecting "My profile" from then drop down menu.
At your profile you can see the images, where you have been tagged. Here you can approve it or delete the pictures.
9. What images will appear in the Gallery?
The Gallery shows images uploaded to the public albums, up to 10 per user per day.
Re-uploaded images will only be added to the gallery with the date of the original upload.
10. How can I write message to an other user?
You can write new message by clicking to the "Send new message" button.
11. How can I check my incoming messages?
If you have unread messages, you can check them by clicking to the envelope logo on the top (it show how many unread messages do you have).
Then click to the subject of the message to read it. The answers will appear here as well, just like if you would chat on a private forum.
12. How long will my messages be kept?
Messages are automatically deleted after 90 days. However, VIP members have the option to archive their messages, ensuring they are preserved.
It’s important to note that archived messages are only retained as long as the VIP membership is active. If the VIP membership expires, the archived messages will be deleted.
13. Who can see that I write on my wall?
If you write on your wall, then it can be seen only be you and your friends. If you write sg on your freidns wall, then it will be visible only for your friends and your freind's friends.
14. What happenes if I click to the like button?
If you click to the like button then the link of that site will be listed on your wall.
If you push the button on a third party page, then please pay attention, because the operator of that site might use the box styled Like button.
15. Can I hide my profile from non registered visitors?
Yes, you can set in the hide function. In this case, non logged users can't see your profile.
This function is only available when you are a VIP member.
16. How can I use the Discord chat?
You can enter the chat as a logged in user by clicking the Discord icon in the lower left corner and then the Connect button. Once connected to the Discord server, you can access the chat from your browser or the Discord application. The app also has desktop and mobile versions.
17. How can I delete my user profile?
You can delete your profile at the Settings menu. If you want to do this, please click first to the link and then enter your password.
After you have deleted your account, you can't log into the system, but your data will be available for 90 days.
After 90 days - in case the authorities didn't asked for it - they will be deleted.
18. You deleted your account, but the site is not allowing you to re-register with the same username/email address. Why?
If a member deletes their account, they can re-register with the same username or email address after 3 months. After 90 days, all data is removed from the system, and the former member will be able to register again. If someone wishes to become a member sooner, they can do so with a different username and email address.
19. How does the blocking feature work?
- The "Blocker" will see the following after blocking, and will have these options:
- On the "Blocked" profile, they will only see the username and have access to 3 functions: "Unblock","Report user","Rate profile".
- Profile rating is displayed so that if the other party rated before the block, the rating can be reciprocated. Further details on this below.
- The "Blocker" will not see the "Blocked" profile in lists, search results, or main page boxes.
- The "Blocker" will not see the "Blocked" blogs, classifieds, or magazine posts.
- The "Blocker" will not see the "Blocked" comments on blogs or magazines.
- The "Blocker" will not see the "Blocked" pictures in the gallery.
- The "Blocker" cannot see the events posted by the "Blocked".
- The "Blocker" will not receive notifications if the "Blocked" person comments on a blog or article followed by the "Blocker."
- The "Blocker" can still see the "Blocked" messages if there are any shared messages, but cannot send or receive messages from the "Blocked" user.
- The "Blocker" can still see the "Blocked" posts in the forum for consistency in forum threads.
- The "Blocker" will see the list of users they have blocked in the "Home/Blocked" menu.
- The "Blocked" will see the following after being blocked and will have these options:
- On the "Blocker" profile, they will only see the username and have access to 3 functions:
"Report user"
"Rate profile".
- Profile rating is displayed so that ratings can still be reciprocated after the block. Further details on this below.
- The "Blocked" will not see the "Blocker" profile in lists, search results, or main page boxes.
- The "Blocked" will not see the "Blocker" blogs, classifieds, or magazine posts.
- The "Blocked" will not see the "Blocker" comments on blogs or magazines.
- The "Blocked" will not see the "Blocker" pictures in the gallery.
- The "Blocked" will not receive notifications if the "Blocker" comments on a blog or article followed by the "Blocked."
- The "Blocked" can still see the "Blocker" messages if there are any shared messages, but cannot send or receive messages from the "Blocker."
- The "Blocked" can still see the "Blocker" posts in the forum for consistency in forum threads.
- The VIP "Blocked" user will see the list of users who have blocked them in the "Home/Blocked/Blocked Me" menu. This feature is only available to VIP users.
A third party will see the following on both the "Blocker" and "Blocked" profiles after blocking:
- The number of "Likes" will decrease on both the "Blocker" and "Blocked" profiles if they had used the "Like" function on each other before the block.
- The "Like" list will not include each other, even if they had used the "Like" function on each other before the block.
- If the parties rated each other's profiles before the block, the ratings ("Like / Dislike") will still appear on the profiles after the block, but IMPORTANT: only without the Comment text. Therefore, it will only show that they marked each other as "Like" or "Dislike."
IMPORTANT note: The above behavior applies even without "mutual blocking." That is, mutual blocking does not change the display for each other or a third party.
20. A member is harassing me. What should I do?
If someone is being harassed, we recommend using the Blocking feature, which has been specifically developed for this purpose. By using this, you can virtually disappear from the harasser’s view. You can block a member using the Block button on their profile.
21. How does the "Not Interested" feature work?
The main purpose of the "Not Interested" feature is to filter out users who are not of interest to you. The difference between blocking and the "Not Interested" feature is that while blocking completely hides the activities of the blocked user, by pressing the "Not Interested" button, you can customize your settings (
Settings) to specify what you don’t want to see: "Do not show in search", "Do not see their blogs and articles", "Do not display in the gallery", "Do not see their classifieds".
22. What is hibernation? How can I hibernate myself?
Hibernation means that your profile will not appear on the site, but your posts will still be accessible. You can reactivate your profile at any time within 200 days by logging in. This option is only available to users who have purchased VIP membership at least once. Please note that the VIP membership expiration date cannot be extended through hibernation, meaning it remains valid until the original expiration date. (Home/Settings)
23. I pre-paid a pro domme and she disappeared, blocked me, and I didn’t get what we agreed on. Help! Ban her!
We ask our members to never send money in advance for anything, if possible. The site provides a platform for members to find partners and meet new people. We do not take responsibility for members' behavior towards each other, and cannot do so. What we can guarantee is that we enforce the site's moderation and other rules with everyone. In case of a report about the above issue, we will ask the reported member to resolve the matter, because in most cases, there is no evidence of the transfer or fraud on the site.
Any activities that occur on other platforms, such as transfers or other communications between members, are under the jurisdiction of the authorities. In any disputed case, it is advisable to contact them. In the case of a police report, we will assist the authorities' work and provide the reported member's details upon request. If the other party, for example, admits to their actions in a message on the site, we can warn or even sanction the member here. Additionally, if we receive multiple independent reports about a member being a "scammer", we will ban them from the site.
24. How can I register for an event?
To register for an event, go to the homepage, click on the selected event, and send a private message to the event organizer.