Szub pár vagyunk. Mind a ketten alárendelt szerepet vállalunk, a férjem sokkal inkább. Olyan bi bikát keresünk, aki mindkettőnket határozottan megcsinálna egyszerre. A férjem seggét is. Kényeztetést nem várunk, egyikünk sem. Mindketten odaadóak vagyunk, de nem akárkinek. Csak igazi Domok érdekelnek, switch-ek, meg aki ilyen-olyan is tud lenne, azokat nem keressük. Képeket az ismerkedés folyamán majd kérünk.
Dominant Male
Dominant Female - Dominant Male, Dominant Male - Dominant Male, Dominant Male - Uncertain Female, Submissive Female - Dominant Male, Switch Female - Dominant Male
Age: 18-75 year
Contact information
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Aim of search
Permanent, casual BDSM / sexual relationship
Spoken languages
English, Hungarian
Interests in BDSM
I would try
Film, High heels, Photo shooting
Anal plays, Anal sex (receive), Ass licking, Dirty talk, Domination, Humiliation, Masturbation, Mazochism, Oral sex (give), Slaps
Interests outside of BDSM
Fitness, Party
Series, Sex/porn
Erotical, Journals/magazines
Favorie videos of the user can only be seen by VIP members.
Please select from the menu on the left hand side, which galley you want to see!
Switch / Switch
Male / Female, Bisex
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If more than 20 days VIP membership than you can give some day out of your VIP membership to other users. The gift is from your VIP membership subtracted. The gift can not be undone. In order to this, please avoid giving gifts to whom you don't know! VIP days given to PRO users will be halved.
Sympathetic vote
User Report - BDSM partner seeking, dating and community portal
By accessing the site I certify that I am at least 18 years old and I have the right to view sexually explicit sites.
I agree that the site has a strong sexual nature. By accessing the site, I declare that I won't be harassed by sado-mazo, fetish, sexuality or other images, writings etc.