radion - Mazochist Male

All BDSM partners » Masochists » radion - Mazochist Male
Viewed: 497x
53 years old, Mazochist Hetero Male, 186 cm, 79 kg
Residency: Hungary, Budapest, IV. kerület
Last login: 10 hours ago
Registration time: 2023. 08. 29. 23:23
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Alàzatos tiszteletem! Domina Úrnőm keresem maradandó károsodás is mehet 25 éve alàznak rendszeresen ezeket már csinálták velem here makk àtszúras tűvel gombfelvarras fitymàra fütyörészve hímvesszőt deszkára szogelni rugdosas tapossa ugrálás rajtam utcán alàzàs kiröhögés csicskàztatàs tálca csapkodasa klopfolóval here makk csapkodasa trancsirozàsa kaki pisi fing szájba torokra lehànyàs leköpés nathàjàt ramfujja hamutàl nak használ csíkk elnyomás végbélnyílásomba


Dominant Female, Sadist Female

Age: 18-45 year
Height: 160-190 cm
Weight: 40-65 kg

Contact information

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Aim of search

Social-programmes,-leisure / Occasional-BDSM/sexual-relationship / Permanent, casual BDSM / sexual relationship

Spoken languages


Interests in BDSM


Anal sex (receive), Massage, Needle, Prostate massage


24/7, Ass licking, Bite, Blindfolds, Blood, Bondage, Boot fetish, Breast torture, Breath controll, Candle, Chains, Chastity belt, Chinese ball, Closure, Cross, Dildos, Dirt, Dirty talk, Doctor fetish, Domination, Electrosex, Enema, Feeding, Film, Fire, Fisting, Foiling, Foot worship, Gangbang, Hair pulling, High heels, Humiliation, Jeans, Knife, Latex, Leather, Mask, Mazochism, Menstruation, Milking, Nippers, Nipples, Oral sex (give), Other tools, Pain, Pens, Photo shooting, Piss, Public sex, Punishment, Role playing, Sadism, Shaving, Slaps, Spanking, Stocks, Tickling, Tweak, Vacuum, Vibrators, Whip, Whipping bench

Interests outside of BDSM


Concerts, Cooking, Drawing, Fitness, Get to know, Movie, Museum, Opera, Ping-pong, Reading, Restaurant, Talking


Alternative, Blue, Country, Disco, Goa


Action, Adventure, Anime, Drama


Arts, Erotical, Health, Novels

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