Ahogy időm és kreativitásom engedi, folyamatosan bővítem a leírást!:) Sajnos csak napi 2 levelet tudok írni, így türelmesnek kell lennünk, de ha felkeltettem az érdeklődésed akár te is írhatsz nekem.
Fiatal egyetemissta vagyok, leginkább velem egykorú nőt keresek, lehetőleg közel a fővároshoz vagy Abonyhoz!
Leginkább switchnek mondanám magam, nyitott vagyok dom és sub partnerekre egyaránt. Mind az alázás mind a testi fájdalom nagyon vonzó számomra, de természetesen megbeszélés alapján tudok igazodni a te vágyaidhoz, elképzelésedhez.
Online voltam már szolga, élőben pedig domináns. Így mind a kettő oldalról van tapasztalatom
Előszeretettel használok magamon vagy partneremen csipeszeket.
100% Rigger
100% Switch
98% Rope bunny
94% Master/Mistress
91% Degradee
91% Dominant
91% Degrader
89% Submissive
87% Slave
87% Brat tamer
Dominant Female, Fetisist Female, Submissive Female, Uncertain Female, Switch Female
Dominant Female - Dominant Female, Dominant Female - Fetisist Female, Dominant Female - Submissive Female, Dominant Female - Uncertain Female, Dominant Female - Switch Female, Fetisist Female - Dominant Female, Fetisist Female - Fetisist Female, Fetisist Female - Submissive Female, Fetisist Female - Uncertain Female, Fetisist Female - Switch Female, Submissive Female - Dominant Female, Submissive Female - Fetisist Female, Submissive Female - Submissive Female, Submissive Female - Uncertain Female, Submissive Female - Switch Female, Uncertain Female - Dominant Female, Uncertain Female - Fetisist Female, Uncertain Female - Submissive Female, Uncertain Female - Uncertain Female, Uncertain Female - Switch Female, Switch Female - Dominant Female, Switch Female - Fetisist Female, Switch Female - Submissive Female, Switch Female - Uncertain Female, Switch Female - Switch Female
Contact information
To check the contact informations either of you must be a VIP member!
Aim of search
Correspondence, meeting / Virtual-relationship / Occasional-BDSM/sexual-relationship / Permanent, casual BDSM / sexual relationship / Relationship
Spoken languages
English, German, Hungarian
Interests in BDSM
I would try
24/7, Anal plays, Anal sex (receive), Bite, Boot fetish, Dirt, Menstruation, Other tools, Pet play, Piss, Role playing, Vacuum, Vibrators
Anal sex (give), Ass licking, Blindfolds, Bondage, Breast torture, Breath controll, Candle, CBT, Chains, Chastity belt, Collar, Domination, Electrosex, Foot worship, Hair pulling, Humiliation, Jeans, Latex, Lingerie, Mask, Massage, Milking, Nippers, Nipples, Oral sex (give), Oral sex (receive), Pain, Punishment, Sadism, Slaps, Spanking, Stocking, Tweak, Whip
Interests outside of BDSM
Billiard, Car racing, DIY, Hiking
Blue, Funky, Jazz, Soul
Documentary, Sci-fi, Series, Thriller