hunmaster - Dominant Male

All BDSM partners » Doms, Masters » hunmaster - Dominant Male
Viewed: 3903x
47 years old, Dominant Hetero Male, 179 cm, 74 kg
Residency: Hungary, Baranya, Pécs
Last login: 1 days ago
Registration time: 2013. 06. 26. 16:04
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Gyakorlott, tapasztalt és intelligens domként keresek, valóban sub beállítottságú, alázatos hölgyet, a bdsm világának megéléséhez. Légy igazán alázatos, szeresd a fantáziadús bdsm "játékokat" és nem hátrány, ha nem hosszú a tabuid listája.
Keress bátran!


Submissive Female

Submissive Female - Dominant Female, Submissive Female - Dominant Male, Submissive Female - Submissive Female, Submissive Female - Submissive Male

Age: 18-55 year

Contact information

Email: Registered Members Only

Aim of search

Occasional-BDSM/sexual-relationship / Permanent, casual BDSM / sexual relationship / Relationship

Spoken languages

English, German, Hungarian

Interests in BDSM




24/7, Anal plays, Anal sex (give), Blindfolds, Bondage, Breast torture, Breath controll, Candle, Chains, Closure, Collar, Dildos, Dirty talk, Doctor fetish, Enema, Film, Fisting, Foiling, Gangbang, Hair pulling, High heels, Humiliation, Latex, Leather, Lingerie, Mask, Needle, Nippers, Nipples, Oral sex (give), Oral sex (receive), Other tools, Pain, Photo shooting, Piss, Public sex, Punishment, Sadism, Slaps, Spanking, Stocking, Stocks, Vacuum, Vibrators, Whip, Whipping bench

Interests outside of BDSM


Concerts, DIY, Party, Restaurant, Soccer, Talking, Tennis


Funky, Hip-hop, Pop


Action, Comedy, Thriller

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