gabortoth731 - Submissive, Mazochist Male

All BDSM partners » Servants, Slaves » gabortoth731 - Submissive, Mazochist Male
Viewed: 206x
28 years old, Submissive, Mazochist Bisex Male, 185 cm, 110 kg
Residency: Hungary, Budapest, kerület nélkül
Last login: 2024. 12. 03. 06:51
Registration time: 2024. 10. 07. 00:28
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Domináns idősebb partnert keresek.
Hétköznap reggeltől kora délutánig van helyem. (És igen, ekkor is érek rá)
Szeretem ha pofoznak, verbálisan aláznak, erőszakosan sz.patnak, használnak.
Nyakörv, szíj, kötözés, leköpés, ezek is mind izgatnak.
Kizárólag egy partnert keresek, alkalmi alapon hosszabb távra.
Ha küldesz képet, viszonzom.
Nem levelezőpartnert keresek!


Dominant Female, Dominant Male, Fetisist Female, Fetisist Male, Sadist Female, Sadist Male

Dominant Female - Dominant Male, Dominant Female - Sadist Male, Fetisist Female - Dominant Male, Fetisist Female - Sadist Male, Mazochist Female - Dominant Male, Mazochist Female - Sadist Male, Submissive Female - Dominant Male, Submissive Female - Sadist Male, Sadist Female - Dominant Male, Sadist Female - Sadist Male

Age: 35-60 year
Height: 168- cm
Weight: 70- kg

Contact information

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Aim of search

Occasional-BDSM/sexual-relationship / Permanent, casual BDSM / sexual relationship

Spoken languages


Interests in BDSM


Anal plays, Anal sex (receive), Blindfolds, Bondage, Breath controll, Closure, Collar, Cross, Dildos, Dirty talk, Domination, Film, Foot worship, Gangbang, Hair pulling, High heels, Humiliation, Knife, Mask, Oral sex (give), Pain, Pet play, Photo shooting, Public sex, Punishment, Role playing, Slaps, Spanking, Stocking, Stocks, Vibrators

Interests outside of BDSM




Action, Drama, War


Economy/business, History

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