gabcuc - Submissive, Mazochist Male

All BDSM partners » Servants, Slaves » gabcuc - Submissive, Mazochist Male
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59 years old, Submissive, Mazochist Male, 176 cm, 81 kg
Residency: Hungary, Baranya, Pécs
Last login: 8 hours ago
Registration time: 2023. 04. 15. 10:34
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Mazo sub vagyok szeretem ha használják testemet mint egy tárgyat és aláznak fákydalmat okoznak .nyomok maradhatnak .lehet úr vagy domina .néha .saját magammal is teszem . Megfelelő hangulatban .Olyankor alázom is magam .de szívesen venném ha más tenné velem , videón is meg teszem és elküldöm aki kéri tűk akkár durvább dolog is ott mutatom arcom is kérlek pro ne írjon .de ha ír akkor se kérjen anyagi támogatást.én élvezetböl teszem szeretem a faszt nyelni


Dominant Female, Dominant Male, Submissive Female, Submissive Male, Uncertain Female, Uncertain Male, Sadist Female, Sadist Male

Dominant Female - Dominant Transvestite, Dominant Female - Submissive Transvestite, Dominant Female - Uncertain Transvestite, Dominant Female - Sadist Transvestite, Dominant Male - Dominant Transvestite, Dominant Male - Submissive Transvestite, Dominant Male - Uncertain Transvestite, Dominant Male - Sadist Transvestite, Sadist Female - Dominant Transvestite, Sadist Female - Submissive Transvestite, Sadist Female - Uncertain Transvestite, Sadist Female - Sadist Transvestite, Sadist Male - Dominant Transvestite, Sadist Male - Submissive Transvestite, Sadist Male - Uncertain Transvestite, Sadist Male - Sadist Transvestite

Age: 21-78 year
Height: 150-200 cm
Weight: 50-120 kg

Contact information

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Aim of search

Correspondence, meeting / Virtual-relationship / Occasional-BDSM/sexual-relationship / Permanent, casual BDSM / sexual relationship

Spoken languages


Interests in BDSM

I would try

Anal sex (give), Blood, Breath controll, Chains, Foiling, Gangbang, Hair pulling, Oral sex (give), Public sex, Slaps, Tweak


Bite, Boot fetish, Domination, Fire, Knife, Menstruation, Pens, Rubber, Tickling, Transvestitism, Whip


24/7, Anal plays, Anal sex (receive), Ass licking, Blindfolds, Bondage, Breast torture, Candle, CBT, Chastity belt, Chinese ball, Closure, Collar, Cross, Cross-dressing, Diaper, Dildos, Dirt, Dirty talk, Doctor fetish, Electrosex, Enema, Feeding, Film, Fisting, Foot worship, Humiliation, Jeans, Latex, Leather, Lingerie, Mask, Massage, Masturbation, Mazochism, Milking, Needle, Nippers, Nipples, Oral sex (receive), Other tools, Pain, Photo shooting, Piercing, Piss, Prostate massage, Punishment, Role playing, Sadism, Shaving, Spanking, Stocking, Stocks, Vacuum, Vibrators, Whipping bench

Interests outside of BDSM


Animals, Cooking, DIY


Disco, Electronic, Funky


Action, Adventure, Documentary, Family movie


Adventure, Erotical, Gastronomy, Health

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