fetishsrac - Dominant, Fetisist, Sadist Male

All BDSM partners » Doms, Masters » fetishsrac - Dominant, Fetisist, Sadist Male
Viewed: 1145x
40 years old, Dominant, Fetisist, Sadist Hetero Male, 178 cm, 78 kg
Residency: Hungary, Baranya, Pécs
Last login: 6 days ago
Registration time: 2022. 08. 31. 20:45
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Üdvözlök Mindenkit

Én egy perverz, határozott, fetish kedvelő ember vagyok, aki szereti az igényességet is. Keresek olyan nőszemélyt, aki sub beállítottságú. Szeresse a magas sarkút, harisnyát, szoknyát.


Fetisist Female, Fetisist Transvestite, Mazochist Female, Mazochist Transvestite, Submissive Female, Submissive Transvestite

Age: 18-50 year
Height: 150-179 cm
Weight: 45-100 kg

Contact information

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Aim of search

Social-programmes,-leisure / Occasional-BDSM/sexual-relationship / Permanent, casual BDSM / sexual relationship / Relationship

Spoken languages


Interests in BDSM

I would try

Nippers, Tweak


Anal plays, Anal sex (give), Blindfolds, Bondage, Boot fetish, Breast torture, Chastity belt, Chinese ball, Closure, Collar, Cross-dressing, Dildos, Dirty talk, Doctor fetish, Enema, Film, Fisting, Foot worship, Hair pulling, High heels, Humiliation, Lingerie, Mazochism, Nipples, Oral sex (give), Oral sex (receive), Pain, Photo shooting, Piss, Prostate massage, Public sex, Punishment, Role playing, Sadism, Slaps, Spanking, Stocking, Transvestitism, Vibrators

Interests outside of BDSM


Billiard, Bowling, Computer, Internet, Movie, Play, Shopping


Country, Disco


Action, Comedy, Crimi, Horror, Series, Sex/porn, Western

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