dommaster97 - Dominant, Fetisist, Sadist Male

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27 years old, Dominant, Fetisist, Sadist Gay Male, 170 cm
Residency: Hungary, Budapest, XIII. kerület
Last login: 19 hours ago
Registration time: 2023. 07. 23. 12:37
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27 éves Pesten élő domináns srác keres szubot és/vagy rabszolgát megkötözött, bekötött szemes használatra.

A következőket várhatod:
- Edging, fejés, cbt
- Febekelés és anális játékok (plugok, dildók, vibrátorok)
- mellbimbókínzás, csipeszelés, gyertyázás
- nyakörvön vezetés
- lábimádat, taposás

Ezeken kívül szívesen parancsolnék több szubnak/szolgának egyszerre, illetve szubmissziv pároknak és kényszeríteném őket szexre egymással.


27 yo dominant guy living in Budapest looking for subs and/or sex slaves to tie up, blindfold and use.

Things I'd like to do to you:
- edging, milking and cbt
- spanking and anal play (plugs, dildos, vibrators)
- nipple torture, clips, wax torture
- being led on a leash
- foot fetish, being stepped on

I am also interested in controlling multiple subs/slaves at the same time, controlling submissive couples and making them have sex with each other.


Fetisist Male, Mazochist Male, Switch Male

Fetisist Male - Fetisist Male, Fetisist Male - Mazochist Male, Fetisist Male - Submissive Male, Fetisist Male - Switch Male, Mazochist Male - Fetisist Male, Mazochist Male - Mazochist Male, Mazochist Male - Submissive Male, Mazochist Male - Switch Male, Submissive Male - Fetisist Male, Submissive Male - Mazochist Male, Submissive Male - Submissive Male, Submissive Male - Switch Male, Switch Male - Fetisist Male, Switch Male - Mazochist Male, Switch Male - Submissive Male, Switch Male - Switch Male

Age: -45 year

Contact information

To check the contact informations either of you must be a VIP member!

Aim of search

Occasional-BDSM/sexual-relationship / Permanent, casual BDSM / sexual relationship

Spoken languages

English, German, Hungarian

Interests in BDSM

I would try

24/7, Closure, Film, Massage, Photo shooting, Piss, Public sex


Anal plays, Anal sex (receive), Bite, Blindfolds, Bondage, Candle, CBT, Chastity belt, Chinese ball, Collar, Dildos, Foot worship, Hair pulling, Humiliation, Lingerie, Mask, Masturbation, Milking, Nippers, Nipples, Oral sex (give), Other tools, Pain, Piercing, Prostate massage, Punishment, Sadism, Slaps, Spanking, Vibrators, Whip

Interests outside of BDSM


Concerts, Cooking, Movie, Party, Reading, Theater


Alternative, Pop, Rap, Rock


Action, Comedy, Historical, Romantical, Series



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