bdsmslave - Uncertain Transvestite

All BDSM partners » Transvestites, crossdressers » bdsmslave - Uncertain Transvestite
Viewed: 8409x
37 years old, Uncertain Bisex Transvestite, 178 cm, 114 kg
Residency: Hungary, Budapest, kerület nélkül
Last login: 3 days ago
Registration time: 2009. 07. 14. 23:10
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Sympathetic votes: 2
Én egy fiatal 36 éves srác vagyok, akit régóta érdekel a bdsm világa, viszont ebben a világban még kezdőnek számítok. Kedves megértő, értelmes srác vagyok. Egyelőre még ismerkedem, ezzel a világgal, tágítgatom határaimat, még bizonytalan vagyok, ezért azt mondanám, hogy a sub oldal érdekel leginkább, adott helyzetben a dom oldal is izgat, imádom továbbá a bőr, latex és lakk dolgokat is. A bdsmben gyakorlatilag minden érdekel, és szinte mindenre nyitott vagyok, kevés dolog van, ami nem izgatja fantáziámat ilyenek pl: a tűk és a véres dolgok, ezek nem érdekelnek.
Nagyon érdekel a Crossdressing is.


Dominant Female, Dominant Male, Dominant Transvestite, Submissive Female, Submissive Male, Submissive Transvestite, Uncertain Female, Uncertain Male, Uncertain Transvestite, Switch Female, Switch Male, Switch Transvestite

Dominant Female - Dominant Female, Dominant Female - Dominant Male, Dominant Male - Dominant Male, Submissive Female - Submissive Female, Submissive Female - Submissive Male, Submissive Male - Submissive Male, Uncertain Female - Uncertain Female, Uncertain Female - Uncertain Male, Uncertain Male - Uncertain Male, Switch Female - Switch Female, Switch Female - Switch Male, Switch Male - Switch Male

Age: 18- year

Contact information

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Aim of search

Occasional-BDSM/sexual-relationship / Permanent, casual BDSM / sexual relationship / Relationship

Spoken languages


Interests in BDSM

I would try

24/7, Humiliation, Pens, Prostate massage, Shaving, Whipping bench


Diaper, Dirt, Dirty talk, Electrosex, Film, Gangbang, Hair pulling, Jeans, Massage, Nipples, Photo shooting, Slaps, Spanking, Tickling, Tweak


Anal plays, Anal sex (give), Anal sex (receive), Ass licking, Blindfolds, Bondage, Boot fetish, Breast torture, Breath controll, Candle, CBT, Chains, Chastity belt, Chinese ball, Closure, Collar, Cross, Cross-dressing, Dildos, Doctor fetish, Domination, Enema, Feeding, Fisting, Foiling, Foot worship, High heels, Latex, Leather, Lingerie, Mask, Masturbation, Mazochism, Milking, Nippers, Oral sex (give), Oral sex (receive), Other tools, Piss, Public sex, Punishment, Role playing, Rubber, Sadism, Stocking, Stocks, Transvestitism, Vacuum, Vibrators, Whip

Interests outside of BDSM


Animals, Computer, Drawing, Get to know, Internet, Movie, Reading, Talking, TV


Acid, Alternative, Classical, Disco, Drum'n'bass, Electronic, Funky, Goa, Goth, Hip-hop, House, Jazz, Pop, Punk, Rap, Rhythm'n'blues, Rock, Rock'n'roll, Techno


Action, Adventure, Anime, Comedy, Crimi, Documentary, Drama, Family movie, Fantasy, Film noir, Game - show, Historical, Horror, Musical, Reality show, Romantical, Sci-fi, Series, Sex/porn, Tale, Talk show, Thriller, War, Western


Adventure, Albums, Arts, Entertainment, Esoteric, Health, History, Novel, Scientific

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