Slave163 - Fetisist, Submissive, Mazochist, Asexual Male

All BDSM partners » Servants, Slaves » Slave163 - Fetisist, Submissive, Mazochist, Asexual Male
Viewed: 5655x
47+ years old, Fetisist, Submissive, Mazochist, Asexual Hetero Male, 176 cm, 70 kg
Residency: Hungary, Budapest, IX. kerület
Last login: 8 hours ago
Registration time: 2022. 09. 02. 19:35
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Szubmissziv vagyok, valamennyire mazo is, de inkàbb az alàzàs izgat (ha arconköpnek, a számbakopnek, kenyszernyalattatnak, megpofoznak, elfenekelnek, a fenèknyals, a számbapisilnek, talpnyalattatnak, labujjat kell szopkodnom, a kedvencem a talp csokolgatása a foldon fekve Urnom lába alatt, stb). A publikus alázást mèg nem probáltam, de nagyon izgat, ha az Urnöm mások elött aláz meg! Erre keresek Lànyokat/Hölgyeket. Az elfenekelsem eszközzel is mehet, izgat, de nincsen bdsm-eszközöm (korbàcs, ostor, paskolo, lovaglopalca, stb). Meg folytatom a kitöltest. Helyem van, hozzàm jöhet az alàzom. A publikus alàzàs is izgat, de mg nem volt benne reszem.


Dominant Female, Fetisist Female, Uncertain Female, Switch Female, Sadist Female

Age: 18-45 year
Height: -200 cm
Weight: -80 kg

Contact information

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Aim of search

Correspondence, meeting / Social-programmes,-leisure / Occasional-BDSM/sexual-relationship / Permanent, casual BDSM / sexual relationship

Spoken languages


Interests in BDSM


24/7, Ass licking, Boot fetish, Breath controll, Candle, Chastity belt, Closure, Collar, Dirt, Foot worship, Hair pulling, Humiliation, Leather, Massage, Mazochism, Oral sex (give), Pain, Piss, Public sex, Punishment, Role playing, Slaps, Spanking, Stocking, Stocks, Whip, Whipping bench

Interests outside of BDSM


Animals, Computer, Cooking, Internet, Reading, Restaurant


Acid, Alternative, Disco, Electronic, Heavy metal, House, Latin, Punk, Rave, Rock, Techno


Comedy, Crimi, Horror, Sex/porn, Thriller


Adventure, Erotical, Gastronomy, Health, History, Novel, Novels, Religion, Scientific, Youth

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