SMTrainers - Dominant/Dominant Couple

All BDSM partners » Couples » SMTrainers - Dominant/Dominant Couple
Viewed: 1168x
45+ years old, Dominant Female - 45+ years old, Dominant Male, 180 cm, 85 kg (Hetero)
Residency: Hungary, Pest, város nélkül
Last login: 2 days ago
Registration time: 2024. 11. 15. 11:00
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Ha úgy érzed érdekel ez a "világ", ha szeretnéd megérteni, megélni minden szépségét.
Ha úgy érzed, nincs, vagy nincs sok tapasztalatod, de érdekel ez a fantasztikus és varázslatos életmód, ha kezdőként, érdeklődőként elveszve érzed magad, keress fel bizalommal.
Biztonságos közegben, őszinte társaságban érezve magad, megismerheted ezt a világot, megismerheted önmagad, a benned rejlő megannyi vágyat, lehetőséget.

FONTOS! NEM PÁRKÉNT, hanem együttműködő partnerként, akár együtt, akár külön-külön segítünk a megismerésben, foglalkozunk a fejlesztéseddel ha VALÓBAN nyitott, VALÓBAN érdeklődő, VALÓBAN megélni vágyó személy vagy!!
A gyengébbek kedvéért: hölgyet, esetleg párt keresünk!!!

S. & T.


Asexual Female, Fetisist Female, Mazochist Female, Submissive Female, Uncertain Female, Vanilla Female

Asexual Female - Asexual Female, Asexual Female - Mazochist Female, Asexual Female - Submissive Female, Asexual Female - Uncertain Female, Asexual Female - Vanilla Female, Asexual Male - Asexual Female, Asexual Male - Mazochist Female, Asexual Male - Submissive Female, Asexual Male - Uncertain Female, Asexual Male - Vanilla Female, Mazochist Female - Asexual Female, Mazochist Female - Mazochist Female, Mazochist Female - Submissive Female, Mazochist Female - Uncertain Female, Mazochist Female - Vanilla Female, Mazochist Male - Asexual Female, Mazochist Male - Mazochist Female, Mazochist Male - Submissive Female, Mazochist Male - Uncertain Female, Mazochist Male - Vanilla Female, Submissive Female - Asexual Female, Submissive Female - Mazochist Female, Submissive Female - Submissive Female, Submissive Female - Uncertain Female, Submissive Female - Vanilla Female, Submissive Male - Asexual Female, Submissive Male - Mazochist Female, Submissive Male - Submissive Female, Submissive Male - Uncertain Female, Submissive Male - Vanilla Female, Uncertain Female - Asexual Female, Uncertain Female - Mazochist Female, Uncertain Female - Submissive Female, Uncertain Female - Uncertain Female, Uncertain Female - Vanilla Female, Uncertain Male - Asexual Female, Uncertain Male - Mazochist Female, Uncertain Male - Submissive Female, Uncertain Male - Uncertain Female, Uncertain Male - Vanilla Female, Vanilla Female - Asexual Female, Vanilla Female - Mazochist Female, Vanilla Female - Submissive Female, Vanilla Female - Uncertain Female, Vanilla Female - Vanilla Female, Vanilla Male - Asexual Female, Vanilla Male - Mazochist Female, Vanilla Male - Submissive Female, Vanilla Male - Uncertain Female, Vanilla Male - Vanilla Female

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