Pepparkakor - Dominant Female (Mistress)

All BDSM partners » Dominas, Mistresses » Pepparkakor - Dominant Female (Mistress)
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Pepparkakor  - Mistress Budapest
42 years old, Dominant Hetero Female
Residency: Hungary, Budapest, Budapest
Last login: 02. 03. 21:39
Registration time: 2019. 09. 15. 18:22
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Sympathetic votes: 3
Kedves Latogato!

Kosz, hogy beneztel.
Baratsagos, liberalis par noi fele vagyok. Tulnyomo reszben dominans szerepben, de alapvetoen switch.
Kotetlen szabadidos tevekenyseg (idealis esetben baratsag) es harmas/negyes jatekokhoz keresunk jatszopajtasokat.

Szivesen ismerkedunk:
- elso sorban parokkal (jol passzolunk dominans holgy/szub uriember felallashoz, de mastol sem zarkozunk el)
- szub holgyekkel is talalkoznank, bar ugy fest ilyen nincs az itteni kinalatban
- urak legyenek kedvesek elolvasni az introt. Megbizhato embert keresunk. Heteroflexibilis vagy bi beallitottsagu switch vagy szub uriemberek johetnek szamitasba. Korban 30-45 kozottiek. TV/TS/CD legyszi ne irjatok. (Mostanaban foglalkoztatnak a mazohistak, ugyhogy irjatok batran.)




Fetisist Female, Fetisist Male, Submissive Female, Submissive Male, Switch Female, Switch Male

Submissive Female - Dominant Male, Submissive Female - Switch Male, Submissive Male - Dominant Female, Submissive Male - Dominant Male, Submissive Male - Fetisist Female, Submissive Male - Switch Female, Submissive Male - Switch Male, Switch Female - Dominant Male, Switch Female - Fetisist Male, Switch Female - Switch Male, Switch Male - Dominant Female, Switch Male - Dominant Male, Switch Male - Fetisist Female, Switch Male - Switch Male

Age: 30-45 year

Aim of search

Social-programmes,-leisure / Occasional-BDSM/sexual-relationship / Permanent, casual BDSM / sexual relationship

Spoken languages

English, French, Hungarian, Spannish

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