Mrspankr - Dominant, Fetisist, Sadist Male

All BDSM partners » Doms, Masters » Mrspankr - Dominant, Fetisist, Sadist Male
Viewed: 3243x
32 years old, Dominant, Fetisist, Sadist Hetero Male, 182 cm, 85 kg
Residency: Hungary, Budapest, XI. kerület
Last login: 5 hours ago
Registration time: 2021. 11. 27. 09:37
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Nehèz terep, sok minden èrdekel. Szeretem a szubmissziv nőket de egy mazo hölggyel is tudok mit kezdeni ;). Ha eleged van a sok baromból adj egy esélyt hátha mindketten megkapjuk amit keresünk. Nem vagyok fent minden nap de fogok válaszolni ha írsz.


Fetisist Female, Mazochist Female, Submissive Female, Uncertain Female, Vanilla Female

Age: 18-40 year
Height: 150-175 cm
Weight: 40-80 kg

Contact information

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Aim of search

Social-programmes,-leisure / Permanent, casual BDSM / sexual relationship / Relationship

Spoken languages


Interests in BDSM

I would try

Chains, Chinese ball, Photo shooting, Whip


Anal sex (give)


24/7, Bite, Blindfolds, Bondage, Breath controll, Candle, Domination, Hair pulling, Massage, Nippers, Nipples, Oral sex (give), Oral sex (receive), Pain, Pens, Piercing, Punishment, Role playing, Sadism, Slaps, Spanking, Tickling, Tweak, Whipping bench

Interests outside of BDSM


Archery, Aviation, Basketball, Billiard, Bowling, Car racing, Computer, Cooking, DIY, Movie, Ping-pong, Play, Reading, Sailing, Science, Talking, Winter sports


Blue, Country, Disco, Hip-hop, House, Jazz, Latin, Pop, Rap, Reggae, Rock'n'roll


Adventure, Anime, Comedy, Crimi, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-fi, Sex/porn, Tale, Thriller


Adventure, Novel, Scientific

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