MazoSzubrina - Submissive, Mazochist Female

All BDSM partners » Slavegirls » MazoSzubrina - Submissive, Mazochist Female
Viewed: 1463x
25 years old, Submissive, Mazochist Bisex Female, 174 cm, 95 kg
Residency: Hungary, Pest, város nélkül
Last login: 2024. 09. 09. 08:20
Registration time: 2024. 06. 01. 01:32
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Üdvözlöm az Adatlapomon!

Nem rendelkezem túl sok tapasztalattal, de már nem vagyok kezdő. 100%-ban mazochista vagyok, a szub oldalam viszont nem ennyire erős.
Elsősorban azért regisztráltam, hogy hasonló érdeklődésűekkel beszélgessünk ismerkedjek, egyenlőre nem keresek kapcsolatot.


Dominant Female, Dominant Male, Sadist Female, Sadist Male

Dominant Female - Dominant Female, Dominant Female - Dominant Male, Dominant Female - Sadist Female, Dominant Female - Sadist Male, Sadist Female - Dominant Female, Sadist Female - Dominant Male, Sadist Female - Sadist Female, Sadist Female - Sadist Male

Contact information

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Aim of search

Correspondence, meeting / Virtual-relationship / Occasional-BDSM/sexual-relationship

Spoken languages


Interests in BDSM

I would try

Closure, Electrosex, Fisting, Stocks


Dirt, Foot worship, Piss


Anal plays, Anal sex (receive), Bite, Blindfolds, Blood, Bondage, Breast torture, Candle, Chinese ball, Cross, Dildos, Enema, Humiliation, Needle, Nippers, Oral sex (give), Other tools, Pain, Punishment, Role playing, Shaving, Spanking, Vacuum, Vibrators, Whip, Whipping bench

Interests outside of BDSM


Animals, Cooking, Movie, Museum, Reading, Theater


Classical, Folk, Musical


Adventure, Anime, Drama, Family movie, Fantasy, Musical, Romantical, Series


Adventure, Erotical, Novel

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