Krisz33 - Submissive Male

All BDSM partners » Servants, Slaves » Krisz33 - Submissive Male
Viewed: 321x
34 years old, Submissive Bisex Male, 170 cm, 95 kg
Residency: Hungary, Békés, Békéscsaba
Last login: 2024. 10. 11. 00:37
Registration time: 2024. 06. 09. 01:05
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Sziasztok Krisztian vagyok uj vagyok meg ebben a dologban es keresem azt a valakit aki szivesen bevezetne a dolgokba es tanitana 😁 szeretek noi fehernemuket es ruhakat hordani es imadom az anal jatekokat


Submissive Female, Submissive Transsexual, Submissive Transvestite, Switch Female, Switch Transsexual, Switch Transvestite

Aim of search

Correspondence, meeting / Virtual-relationship / Occasional-BDSM/sexual-relationship / Permanent, casual BDSM / sexual relationship / Relationship

Spoken languages

English, Hungarian

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