Hunterfi - Dominant Male

All BDSM partners » Doms, Masters » Hunterfi - Dominant Male
Viewed: 315x
27 years old, Dominant Hetero Male, 185 cm, 125 kg
Residency: Hungary, Budapest, XV. kerület
Last login: 1 days ago
Registration time: 2024. 07. 30. 18:43
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Nem vagyok VIP mert nem láttam értelmét a hosszútávú fenntartásának ha szeretnél írj és fogunk tudni akár itt is hosszasabban csevegni ne riasszon el hogy most nincs fent a logó

Első sorban ismerkedni barátkozni ha úgy érzed több akár azt is a hosszútávú kapcsolatoktól se zárkózok el ha megtaláljuk egymásban a lelki társat.

Nehéz megmondani milyen kapcsolat érdekel de inkább dominánsnak mondanám magam aki kíváncsi természet és szeret uj dolgokat megismerni kipróbálni. NEm vagyok a vér híve így aki a vért szereti lehet nem nem keres.


Mazochist Female, Submissive Female, Uncertain Female, Vanilla Female

Mazochist Female - Mazochist Female, Mazochist Female - Submissive Female, Mazochist Female - Uncertain Female, Mazochist Female - Vanilla Female, Submissive Female - Mazochist Female, Submissive Female - Submissive Female, Submissive Female - Uncertain Female, Submissive Female - Vanilla Female, Uncertain Female - Mazochist Female, Uncertain Female - Submissive Female, Uncertain Female - Uncertain Female, Uncertain Female - Vanilla Female, Vanilla Female - Mazochist Female, Vanilla Female - Submissive Female, Vanilla Female - Uncertain Female, Vanilla Female - Vanilla Female

Age: 18-30 year
Height: -190 cm
Weight: -90 kg

Contact information

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Aim of search

Correspondence, meeting / Social-programmes,-leisure / Occasional-BDSM/sexual-relationship / Permanent, casual BDSM / sexual relationship / Relationship

Spoken languages

English, Hungarian

Interests in BDSM

I would try

24/7, Anal sex (give), Bondage, Candle, Doctor fetish, Domination, Feeding, Gangbang, Hair pulling, Humiliation, Knife, Lingerie, Massage, Milking, Photo shooting, Public sex, Role playing, Slaps, Spanking, Vacuum, Vibrators, Whip


Collar, Oral sex (receive), Pet play

Interests outside of BDSM


Archery, Billiard, Bowling, Car racing, Computer, Cooking, DIY, Drawing, Movie, Play, Restaurant


Country, Disco, Folk, Funky, Heavy metal, Hip-hop, Jazz, Musical, Pop, Rock, Rock'n'roll, Techno


Adventure, Anime, Comedy, Fantasy, Musical, Sci-fi, Series

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