Azt hiszem itt az ideje némi profil frissítésnek. :) Meguntam az önéletrajzot. Szóval akkor csak határozottan :)
Mindig csak a domináns oldal vonzott. Nem vagyok sem erőszakos,sem agresszív, talán csak enyhe hajlam a szadizmusra. Jelenleg aktív partnerkereső időszakom élem szívesen beszélgetek bárkivel.
Köszönöm hogy végigolvastad.
Submissive Female
Age: 18- year
Aim of search
Occasional-BDSM/sexual-relationship / Permanent, casual BDSM / sexual relationship / Relationship
Spoken languages
English, Hungarian
Interests in BDSM
Anal plays, Anal sex (give), Blindfolds, Breast torture, Candle, Chastity belt, Chinese ball, Dildos, Dirty talk, Electrosex, Enema, Fisting, Hair pulling, Milking, Nippers, Oral sex (receive), Pain, Piercing, Shaving, Vibrators
Interests outside of BDSM
Car racing, concerts, Museum, Reading
Alternative, Blue, Folk, Heavy metal, Latin, Musical, Rap
Horror, War, Western
Arts, Gastronomy, Novel
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User Report - BDSM partner seeking, dating and community portal
By accessing the site I certify that I am at least 18 years old and I have the right to view sexually explicit sites.
I agree that the site has a strong sexual nature. By accessing the site, I declare that I won't be harassed by sado-mazo, fetish, sexuality or other images, writings etc.