Dreamfinder7 - Dominant Male

All BDSM partners » Doms, Masters » Dreamfinder7 - Dominant Male
Viewed: 111x
41 years old, Dominant Hetero Male, 184 cm, 78 kg
Residency: Hungary, Győr-Moson-Sopron, város nélkül
Last login: 2024. 08. 24. 22:14
Registration time: 2024. 08. 24. 22:13
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Már régóta érdekelt ez a téma- ezért is regisztráltam ide -, szívesen kipróbálnám ezeket egy hozzám illő kedves, intelligens partnerrel. Igazából sok mindenre nyitott vagyok szívesen kipróbálok új dolgokat.


Submissive Female, Switch Female

Age: 18-50 year

Aim of search

Correspondence, meeting / Social-programmes,-leisure / Occasional-BDSM/sexual-relationship / Permanent, casual BDSM / sexual relationship

Spoken languages

Dutch, English, German, Hungarian, Slovakian

Interests in BDSM

I would try

Anal plays, Anal sex (give), Anal sex (receive), Ass licking, Bondage, Mask, Photo shooting, Piss, Punishment, Role playing, Spanking

Interests outside of BDSM


Computer, DIY, Gardening, Get to know, Internet, Museum, Playing music, Reading, Science, Shopping, Swimming pool, Talking, Theater


Classical, Disco, Electronic, Latin, Musical, Pop, Rock'n'roll


Documentary, Family movie, Musical, Romantical, Sex/porn


Albums, Entertainment, Erotical, Esoteric, Health, Journals/magazines, Journey, Novels, Poems, Scientific

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