Draki - Dominant, Sadist Male

All BDSM partners » Doms, Masters » Draki - Dominant, Sadist Male
Viewed: 4589x
35 years old, Dominant, Sadist Hetero Male, 197 cm, 121 kg
Residency: Hungary, Békés, Orosháza
Last login: 2 hours ago
Registration time: 2022. 06. 07. 12:28
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Nem párkapcsolati céllal keresek, lehetőleg mazoista subot. Akár alkalmi, akár rendszeres szeánszokról is lehet szó.
Amennyiben bizonytalan vagy az se probléma. Szívesen segítek felfedezni a benned lévő alázatos, szolgalelkű partnert.
Ha nem vagy egyedülálló, de nem kapsz meg otthon mindent, amit szeretnél, akkor is nyugodtan írhatsz.
Természetesen minden előzetes megbeszélések alapján történik. De idővel minden bizonnyal bővítenénk a határaidat.
Rendszeresen ingázok Komárom-Esztergom és Békés megye között. Ezáltal járok néhány (vár)megyében, havonta több alkalommal is😉

A BDSM teszt eredménye:

100% Rigger
94% Dominant
94% Sadist
94% Primal (Hunter)
90% Master/Mistress
84% Brat tamer
84% Exhibitionist
84% Owner
74% Voyeur
48% Experimentalist
35% Degradee
31% Non-monogamist
30% Degrader
22% Masochist
19% Vanilla
2% Daddy/Mommy
0% Brat
0% Pet
0% Primal (Prey)
0% Boy/Girl
0% Rope bunny
0% Slave
0% Submissive
0% Switch
0% Ageplayer


Fetisist Female, Fetisist Male, Fetisist Transsexual, Fetisist Transvestite, Mazochist Female, Mazochist Male, Mazochist Transsexual, Mazochist Transvestite, Submissive Female, Submissive Male, Submissive Transsexual, Submissive Transvestite, Uncertain Female, Uncertain Male, Uncertain Transsexual, Uncertain Transvestite

Mazochist Female - Dominant Female, Mazochist Female - Mazochist Female, Mazochist Female - Submissive Female, Mazochist Female - Uncertain Female, Submissive Female - Dominant Female, Submissive Female - Mazochist Female, Submissive Female - Submissive Female, Submissive Female - Uncertain Female, Uncertain Female - Dominant Female, Uncertain Female - Mazochist Female, Uncertain Female - Submissive Female, Uncertain Female - Uncertain Female

Age: 18-55 year
Height: 135-200 cm
Weight: 45-120 kg

Contact information

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Aim of search

Correspondence, meeting / Virtual-relationship / Social-programmes,-leisure / Occasional-BDSM/sexual-relationship / Permanent, casual BDSM / sexual relationship / Relationship

Spoken languages

English, Hungarian

Interests in BDSM

I would try

Anal sex (receive), Cross, Stocks


Chinese ball, Mask, Vacuum


24/7, Anal plays, Anal sex (give), Ass licking, Bite, Blindfolds, Bondage, Boot fetish, Breath controll, Chains, Dildos, Dirty talk, Domination, Film, Fisting, Foot worship, Hair pulling, High heels, Humiliation, Knife, Latex, Massage, Masturbation, Nippers, Nipples, Oral sex (give), Oral sex (receive), Other tools, Pain, Pens, Photo shooting, Prostate massage, Public sex, Punishment, Role playing, Sadism, Slaps, Spanking, Stocking, Tickling, Tweak, Vibrators, Whip, Whipping bench

Interests outside of BDSM


Computer, Concerts, DIY, Gardening, Get to know, Movie, Restaurant, Talking


Blue, Country, Folk, Heavy metal, Punk, Reggae, Rock, Ska


Action, Adventure, Comedy, Documentary, Historical, Sci-fi, Sex/porn, War, Western

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