69forever - Submissive Male

All BDSM partners » Servants, Slaves » 69forever - Submissive Male
Viewed: 1504x
45 years old, Submissive Hetero Male
Residency: Hungary, Győr-Moson-Sopron, Győr
Last login: 3 days ago
Registration time: 2017. 01. 03. 10:45
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Átlagos testalkatú,kedves,normális,jó humorral is rendelkező pasi vagyok,káros szenvedélyektől mentes.
Ami a szexet illeti,érdeklődésem a hagyományostól eltér,remélem itt találok partnert,akivel hasonló az elképzelésünk,és beteljesíthetjük vágyainkat :)Sok minden érdekel,bevállalós vagyok..


Dominant Female, Fetisist Female

Dominant Female - Dominant Female, Dominant Female - Uncertain Female, Dominant Female - Uncertain Male, Submissive Female - Dominant Female, Submissive Female - Uncertain Female, Switch Female - Dominant Female, Switch Female - Fetisist Female, Switch Female - Uncertain Female, Switch Female - Uncertain Male, Switch Female - Switch Female, Switch Male - Dominant Female

Contact information

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Aim of search

Occasional-BDSM/sexual-relationship / Permanent, casual BDSM / sexual relationship

Spoken languages

German, Hungarian

Interests in BDSM

I would try

Blindfolds, Boot fetish, Chinese ball, Cross-dressing, Dirty talk, Doctor fetish, Enema, Feeding, Fisting, Gangbang, Latex, Milking, Punishment, Role playing, Slaps, Vibrators


Masturbation, Spanking, Stocks


Anal plays, Anal sex (give), Anal sex (receive), Ass licking, Bondage, Dildos, Domination, Foot worship, High heels, Humiliation, Leather, Lingerie, Oral sex (give), Oral sex (receive), Other tools, Piss, Prostate massage, Stocking

Interests outside of BDSM


Animals, Billiard, Bowling, Internet, Movie, Play, Restaurant, Science, Soccer, Talking, TV


Disco, Rock, Techno


Action, Adventure, Comedy, Documentary, Historical, Sex/porn, Western

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