Te nossz fel vagy en legyek szarabb?

Blogs » Blog - Lothario » Te nossz fel vagy en legyek szarabb?
Deleted user
2022. 10. 19. 12:23 | Appeared: 496x
I never understand what it means „too good”!🤷🏻‍♂️
It’s incomprehensible for me. What the hell is that, that something is „too good”? Is there any food which is „too good”?

“ - Waiter! Take this beef shank front of my eyes!
-What is the problem with it Sir?
-It’s too delicious!”

But I got it now. More precisely finally they explain to me.. (thanks by the way!😉)
Yes, the expression „too good” exist!
What it means? What somebody afraid of? They afraid that its ended. It will end because your or him/her will move on.
This what scares most of the people.
If something is working, working good precisely, than you have this in your mind that you don’t want to end up this.
So its better if you have nothing.

This is when you can choose between good and must be bad and in the end we choose the bad.
Its hard to say anything… But when i finally found somebody who was able to explain to me this I can’t just let it go. So I tried to forced to talk about what it’s in the background.
Well, I understand the fear of loosing the good but what else?
I knew that there is more behind… for e.g. compulsion of adequacy and achievement (if something is good they feel that is a burden to comply of that thing and the stress level is too high). In the end it makes them to feel anxiety.
In the other hand they have this „I’m not enough good, I don’t deserve, I will mess it up” feeling.
This is a stream of conscious or subconscious sabotage. „ If I will sabotage this it will be not done and in the end I was right!”

There is a joke:
What is written on a hypochondriac tombstone?
XY rest here, lived 92 years. And a sentence under: “So right, I told you!”

Its again hard to say anything to this. Maybe I’m wrong but I never sabotage something which is good for me. I’m not running away and not scared, instead of doing this i will be happy for it. I think these are some wrong patterns, maybe something from childhood (some „you are not enough good for us” injuries).

This needs to be overwrite immediately girls. Because you will screwing yourself, with the good guy and also with the bad guys. I know to achieve this you needs enough strength and responsibility, but you are not child anymore. You are adult woman’s! The adulthood means that we have responsibilities you can choose what do you want to be child or adult, but if you decide to stay child others will make the decision above your head (might be wrongly but they not afraid to do it).
It makes me calm if you just realized this at all and say it loudly, the next step will be the implementation…

Because I don’t want to be worst, I want you to be better. We better together!


Comments (3)

Szimplex Deleted user
#436212 | 2022. 10. 19. 14:18
Death? they don't even understand! They are immortal...They think so!
#436209 | 2022. 10. 19. 14:03
Many are as scared of life as of death.
#436207 | 2022. 10. 19. 13:26
Nah, usually it's rather "too good to be true". Women been screwed over too many times to trust, and green flags might turn into a red one if presented too fast.