"Face Slapping! I came as soon as I wrote this, then wrote about that."

Blogs » Blog - Grezzo » "Face Slapping! I came as soon as I wrote this, then wrote about that."
2013. 10. 25. 23:44 | Appeared: 4120x
Keywords: pofon slap suck szopás
"One of my go-to images to think about when I want to cum quickly is face-slapping. If I am having trouble reaching my orgasm, I think about sucking cock while getting my face slapped, and I almost immediately cum. I love being put in my place and treated like a worthless slut, whose sole purpose is to please a man.
The first time I was slapped in the face by a man was in Middle School. Well he was my age, not a full grown man, but at the time it did not make a difference. I as the nerd in school, and everyone hated me and made fun of my dorky glasses and violin. I sat across from this boy Joseph in science class, and he was incredibly mean. He was the stereotypical black class clown, with a ghetto streak. Him and this big Samoan girl Roxy used to gang up on me. Roxy actually beat my ass one day….but thats a different story.

So I was standing in line for my pizza at lunchtime, and Joseph comes and cuts me in line. I was feeling brave that day and decided to call him out on it, hoping that I may get some support from my peers. Almost as soon as I opened my mouth, He whirled around and bitch-slapped me right across the face, my glasses tumbling to the floor. Everyone stood in shock for a second, because it is pretty crazy to see a little white nerd get bitch-slapped by the popular black guy. I was sure that someone would come to my rescue, that someone would say something. But No one did. Instead, they laughed.

I looked around with my hazy vision and saw as my peers laughed at me. He laughed as well. I grabbed my glasses and ran off to go cry in the library, my usual lunchtime haven. When I went home I stared in the mirror through my tears and cried that I hated myself.

But next time I saw Joseph, I felt a tingle in my loins. I felt excitement. I was bitter and I hated him for humiliating me, but a part of me deep down inside could not stop thinking about that sting on my face, and that ruthless look in his eyes.

The next time I was face-slapped after that was in my abusive relationship that I began when I was 18. It was my first ever relationship. He was tickling me, which is extremely disturbing to me. I HATE tickling. It makes me panic normally, especially when done as torturous as he was doing it. I remember screaming, “I will slap you!!”

Then, 4 months into my first ever relationship, I saw for the first time, that look in his eyes. It was a look of craziness, of lust, and of emptiness. He stared into my eyes and threatened, “slap me, I dare you, I fucking dare you.”

I thought we were still in playful mode. I thought we were having fun. I thought he was joking with me. I slapped him, playfully, across his cheek. The one and only time I have ever slapped a man in my life. Before I could think, I felt the power of his hand on my cheek. I felt the sting and I looked up at him in confusion. That did not seem like playtime at all.

That was the beginning of the end. That began the hell that was my abusive relationship. But that is not what this blog is about.

I went home that night and all I could think about what that physical act of him slapping my face.

That night I went down the rabbit hole. I laid in bed and tried to determine how I felt about it. I knew it was wrong, but I felt so exhilarated. I felt alive, like a need deep inside me had been fulfilled. I felt like I wanted to worship him, adore him, and yet anger him so I could get it again.

From then on, face-slapping was a normal part of my life.

I am so turned on by the thought of a man slapping my cheek so my head turns, then grabbing my hair and bringing it back to slap the other side, while calling me bitch and slut. I love being forced to gag on a cock while being slapped around. I love the unexpected slaps that come when I forget my place. I love the sting, and the tingle that follows it.

I even have my favorite movie scenes where a bitch gets slapped, such as that scene in Titanic when Rose gets slapped, or that movie with the kid from Wonder Years when he slaps his girlfriend. In Titanic, most people anticipate the scene where she is drawn nude, or the ship hitting the icicle. Nope, not me. My excitement builds and builds until finally, rose gets slapped in the face. Then, I am over the movie.

I am so turned on just writing this, that I am going to go off and probably cum in like 30 seconds. I will even share with you exactly what I will be thinking about:

Me on my knees being forced to deep throat a cock. He says “suck it bitch” and slaps me as he firmly holds my head down and is grabbing my hair. He continues to slap me in the face while I suck his dick……………and sorry guys but the fantasy can end there because that’s all I need to cum right now. I am going to cum, then let you all know how my orgasm was. Here we go.
30 seconds later………

HOLY CRAP that was the best orgasm ever. OMFG.

So it was actually 2 minutes, and I adjusted the fantasy a bit. He would pull my head off his cock, slap both sides of my face, then shove it back down. Repeat. By the time the man in my fantasy had repeated it 3 times, I felt it coming on.

The build up took quite some time. Right before the climax, the top of the build up remained, taking its time before reaching its peak. Finally, I felt that pleasurable tingle rise up my thighs, overpower my throbbing cunt, and then jet up the front of my body and consume my head. I normally do not make a peep when I cum, but this time I had to seriously vocalize the amazingness of it all. I grabbed a pillow and bit into it as I let the orgasm take me for a ride.

Then I giggled, like I always do when I have an orgasm. That is how you know I did not fake it. I will ALWAYS giggle after I cum, it is just what I always do. Even if it is just a little smile with a faint chuckle or embarrassed whine. Only one person has seen my after-orgasm giggle. Consider yourself a God or amazing human being if you can hear my after-orgasm giggle. I can fake an orgasm, but I can’t fake the giggle.

My panties are so wet. Anyone want to buy them? I will vacu-seal them up just in case. First cum first served. Just email me at the new email I made and we will make it happen. It is: Hot_Wet_Lingerie@yahoo.com.

I also want to end this post letting you all know I am very proud of myself for using the word “cunt.” I have never used that word in a sexual context before, and have never EVER referred to my own pussy as a “cunt.” I always felt embarrassed to use that word, but I did in this post!

So if you are reading this you have 3 reasons to feel special:

1. You got to know exactly what I thought about when I just came

2. You got to know exactly what my orgasm felt like, and even witness over cyberspace the after-orgasm giggle, which I rarely admit to anyone.

3. You got to witness the first ever time I used the word “Cunt.”


by lulakidd

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