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Fiatal_Ur (34)
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2013. 12. 30. 14:22 | Appeared: 1509x
A karácsonyom szokatlanul eseménytelenül telt, mondhatni gyengén, sőt mi több frusztrálóan. A Szilveszteri buli sem ígérkezik különösebben nagy számnak, de azért reménykedem a legjobbakban jövőre.

Azért egy jó dolog történt, találtam egy partnert online történetek, szerepjátékos jelenetek írására. Ez gyakori elfoglaltságom, bár az utóbbi hónapokban valahogy minden leány felszívódott akikkel eddig játszottam.
Eddig egyszer játszottunk, de remélem máskor is fogunk, mert kifejezetten kellemesnek találtam.

Külön örültem, hogy megtetszett neki az Erenisch Slavegirl Universe világa, amiben végül is játszottunk. Ez egy elég erőszakos, pornó-képregény sorozat, jó kis wikipediája van, amúgy a fansadox oldalán érhető el. Előfordulnak benne szimpatikus, perverz ötletek.

Csak ne kellett volna ehhez, virtuálisan, Amerikáig mennem.

Kirakom ide a történetet, ami kikerekedett.

A történetről;

- Viszony:
Férfi --> Nőt, Férfiak --> Nőket
- Környezet:
Sci-Fi, a közeljövőben, disztópikus (bár nézőpont kérdése, akár utópisztikusnak is nevezhető) társadalom, amiben a nők a férfiak rabszolgái.
- Figyelmeztetés:
Mivel társadalmi szintű benne a rabszolgaság, családi kapcsolatok is emlegetve vannak benne, vérfertőzés nincs, de családtagok egymás előtti megalázása igen. És a nyelvhelyesség is rossz néhol. Főleg az én részeimnél, nehezen szoktam bele, hosszadalmas angol szöveg írásába.
- Kulcsszavak:
Angol nyelvű, fantázia, sci-fi, disztópia, valóságtól elrugaszkodott, eltorzult társadalom, eltorzult családi kapcsolatok, képregény alapján, rabszolgaság, (ön)megalázás, mocskos beszéd, trágárság, E/3 beszéd, pofon, maszturbáció, orális szex, szabad téri jelenetek, nyilvános jelenetek, iskola, kert, szerepjáték, két író által.
- Hossz:
6 oldal, 3710 szó, 19497 karakter

Slavery Age – Chapter 1


Thomas was a kind boy, when he was twelve, but in today, Thomas is a perverted nineteen year old guy, who lives in a small town, in an aberrated world, where women are merchandise, and officially men are natural superiors of them.
No one can keep his sexual normality, and gallantry, in theese surroundings.
His mother is the "slave wife" of his father, and his father is a paragon to him.
The first goal for a guy, like Thomas is, to be the owner of a slavegirl. Or fuckslave, in the popular terms.
Two kind of girls in his classroom, the first are alredy collared by one of his classmates, the second, will be kidnapped, or sold, one nice day, and becomes an ordinary fuckhole too.
Lisbeth was the most beautiful girl of the class, and now, she is naked, except the bondage-ropes, handcuffs and the collar. Kneeling before her Master, Jone, and sucking his cock, what the only object of a sexslave's worship.
The math teacher also have a student-girl under his desk, who sucks him, in every ten minute breaks.
Thomas thinks about, what girl will reach her slavery age next, and became avaible to registered, as fuckmeat, in the nearest Slave Registration Office.
The bells are rings, the class is ended, everybody leave the class-room, some of theme, with a girl on their sides. The girls is on their all four, collared and dog-leashed.
Lucky bastards.


I look around the classroom and squirm nervously, knowing that tomorrow will be my eighteenth birthday. Then I, too will become nothing more than a living sex doll for some man's pleasure. I cringe at the thought of what disgusting man I could end up with.
I see you eyeing the girls with longing in your eyes and have an idea. After class I walk up to you, hoping that by some miracle I can convince you to buy me. At least then I wouldn't end up with some old, disgusting man.
"Hi Thomas. How...How did you enjoy the lesson?"
I ask, trying to make small talk.


"Oh, hi!"
I look on you, but don't search your sight, rather then your boobs, legs, and that too much needless cloths, what cover that delicate body, from me. I remembered, this is some a clever girl, from the math class, a roughly the same age with me, or something like that.
"I forgot your name!"
I didn't say "sorry", sorry or regret are words for women, not for a young, potential Master.
"What is your name, sweetie?"
Masterless, uncollared, free girls, are mostly called as „sluts”, but I don't like overusing my humiliting vocabulary.


"My name is Kandi. We've been in the same classes since kindergarten... Anyways, you might have heard that tomorrow is my birthday..."
I look at you with my big, blue eyes, wondering what you are going to say.


I dourly cross my brows, insulted by the fact, this blue-eyed bitch, is briefed me. But the second sentence and it's contents, are made me very satisfied, about the girl's future.
"Oh! Happy birthday anyway, have you got a birthday party at the weekend?"
Not impossible, not every virgins are sold, so soon. Some of them can pay the freedom fee, by mommy and daddy, but most of daddys, are usually sell his daughters, to buy a new jacuzzi, extra floor to the house, or anything, more useful, then the keep of a seasoned daughter.
"You want to invite me?"
I catched your sight, just now, and understanding your fear.
”Beautiful eyes sweetie."
I don't know, why said these words, but it is happened.


"Thank you. And yes, I'm heaving a.. sort of party. My father is hosting it. I would be happy if you came. It is my coming of age party..."
You know that this means that my father will be selling me to the highest bidder, and that is the only purpose for even having the party in the first place.


"Oh, and why you want me, on your last day of freedom?"
I was really interested, but I knew, if you will not pray for my coming, you will not feel the value, of my presence. My birthday was on the last week, and my dear father give him his "first pet price". My mother is a bit old, and can't manage the maid tasks, of the house, alone any more.
The Female Slavery Law, reached a great advance, in Green Cause. Cars are not popular now, everybody use public transport, because, the gangraping is, so much easier and safer, on the airbus, or maglev.


"I need you to come. Please... We both know that I am being sold tomorrow, and I couldn't bare the thought of being sold to some stranger. I'll do anything... Just please come tomorrow!"
I knew that you still didn't have a fuckslave of your own and had been looking for one, and that you had lusted over my body many times over the years.


"So cute..."
I cared your face, get a single tuft of your hair, smell it, and let it fall back, to your shoulder.
"Come, walk home with me, and speak about yourself. I am sure, you are a virgin, but what are the other important views of a slave girl. You want to become my slave girl. What if I'm a brutish tyrant? Or, I forced you, to lick my hairy ass, every single morning, while you are become old and worthless."
I grip your bottom, and cares it gentle. I liked your young, hard, ass, butIalso want to provoking you, to make mistakes.


I manage not to cringe as you caress my ass unexpectedly. Then, I walk with you, hoping that somehow I can persuade you to want to buy me from my father. The thought of licking a hairy ass, however, threw me off. But I was still determined to convince you to buy me.


"Speak about yourself Kandi. Are you useful for something? Not math and history, or any meaningless stuff, but what are your rates in maid service, house keeping, cooking, etiquette?"
Etiquette was an important thing, in a slave's life. Why she will be punished, and how can she survive her Master's vapours. I really wanted a girl, who really good in slave-speech, but also can be whipped, and tortured, whenIwant a reason, to do this.


"This little slut has top ratings in maid service, house keeping, cooking, and etiquette sir."
I say softly, looking at the ground. It is apparent that I have already had some training by how well-behaved I am.


"Not bad sweetie, your mother should be pride of you. She is a slave-wife, isn't she?"
I hold your left hand, when we reached my home, and pull you behind the bushes. That was my territory now, my garden, where so many interesting and pervert experiment waits for you.


"Yes sir, she is a slave wife."
I say, knowing to respond when I am asked a question. I follow you behind the bushes nervously, not knowing what you are going to do to me.


"She teached you some tricks? Prepared her little daughter, to how became a good girl?"
I hugged you, touch your bottom, your back, your limbs, smells your neck, my tounge feels your fear in your vein.
"And one day, how to be a good slave-wife. Your father loves her? Keeps your mom, well fed and well fucked? Do you know the old phrase? Check the mother, get the daughter."
I kissed your neck, and my hand, moves yours, to my trousers, let you found your future Lord, the purpose of the left of your wicked life.


"This little slut's mother taught her many things." I say softly, "The cunt was taught how to be a perfect slave wife."
I feel the large bump in your pants where your cock is, knowing that it will be the focus of the rest of my life. I keep it cupped in my hand through your pants, but don't do anything else without permission.


"How many cocks you sucked, in the school? You never served me before, but, I'm sure, your pretty little lips was raped sometimes by the football team, or the principal."
I pull off your skirt, to your knees, and cares you, at the finest place. I want feel your panties wet, you act like an ideal slave girl, but, if you don't feel true worship to cocks and men, you are only an ordinary, scared piece of fuckmeat.


"This little slave has lost count of how many cocks she has sucked."
As you reach down you discover just how wet and turned on just feeling your cock through your pants has made me. You can tell that I do truly worship cocks like a good little slave girl.


"Oh, that's sounds great, if you're not lie to me! You never do such a thing, don't you, right?"
My hand sliding to your panties, my little fingers found your clitoris and clipped it.
"What are you really think about the world, you, me, and everything."
Philosophy also was an aberrated, and important theme, in the girl's after class lessons. Sins, values, theese are all important things, what I learned to appreciate from my father, when he whipped my mother, in front of my eyes.


"Women are simply here to serve and please men and do exactly as they are told. Men are the superior gender and women are worthless and disposable, only kept around for the enjoyment of men. I am but a humble slave. This slaves life is now ruled by master and master's cock."


"Nice words from the book sweetie, you get the chance to prove your worth, in your pathetic nature. First, don't you want to ask something from me, you cock-hungry harlot?"
As a little help,Ihug your neck, with my arm, and gently pull you to your knees before me.


"May this humble little slave please have the honor of worshiping your beautiful manhood?"
I ask, my voice full of eagerness and sincerity. I look into your eyes intently, awaiting a response.


I pull out my hands from your panties, but before it, I tweak your clitoris a little. I grab your shirt with two hands, and pluck it with one movement of my arms. The shirt's material was weak, produced to this. I want to see your boobs and body, and I decided, you will not going home, with your cloths today.
"Do it virgin whore, do what you were born. But! Not a single touch, to my pants, or dick, you didn't earned it yet. Only your mouth can be used."


A soft moan escapes my lips as you tweak my sensitive clit. Topless and soaking wet, I kneel down in front of you and skillfully use my mouth to undo your pants. Pulling them and your boxers down a bit proves a bit more difficult, but I manage it and soon I am eagerly licking your cock, trying to make it fully hard.


My cock is becomes hard and hot, after a half-lick of your tongue. Maybe not the greatest cock, what you ever seen, but definetly something, what about a girl can dream. Hard and hot, as a marble rod, on the top of an ancient greek shrine, what heated by the mediterran sun, and the priestesses prays.
"You will serve this for years, feels in every holes of you, and will cum to everywhere on your shiny white skin. Maybe sometimes, the only thing you will eat, is my sperm, for days. First and last time I ask you honestly, what are you thinking from my cock?"


"Master's cock is the only purpose of this little slut's life. Maybe, with some luck, this slave can earn the honor of tasting Master's cum."
I say softly, believing every word I say to the fullest extent.


"You are a perfectly conditioned doll, sweetie. Now lick my balls, after that, you will give me the greatest blowjob of your life. Like if your life depend on it, because it does. I will cumming a lot, my cock is a healthful one. I want to see my sperm, all over your half-naked body, this is not your slave-christening, I don't want to wash your face. Oh, and start masturbating, your first blowjob to me, must be full of enjoyment to each other. Understand everything, you clever little cunt?"
While I speak, you continously liking my blood-rod, now I knew, the females, really borned to slavery, and your pleasure in service, your innocent humiliating, gives me the finest feelings of my life.


I lean down and lick your balls, making sure to do a thorough job and lick every inch. As I lick, I reach down and slide my hand in my panties and begin to finger myself, my soft moans sending vibrations into your balls.


Ball licking is one of my favorite pleasures, I decided, you will do it for hours, at every day, mostly at the mornings and nights.
"Your devotion, is impressive, you are such a harlot as your mother could be at your age."
I grab your hair, pull of from my balls, and with the other hand, I slaps you, not too hard, but you need to feel some pain, before you over-trusts yourself.
"Let her know that, before you leaves, your father's house."
Another slap, to the other side of your face, and I released your her.
"Where were we? Oh yes, suck for your life, bitch!"


I cringe and yelp with each blow that is dealt to my face and your hold on my hair makes me look up at your face. At its release, I eagerly take your cock in my mouth. My skilled little mouth, tongue, and lips soon drive you over the edge and you climax, letting me have the first taste of your sweet cum.


Before the last second, I pulled my cock out, and only the first few drops reaches your tongue. But a big shot slaps your chest, your bras and taut white apples are fully covered by sperm.
"That was fast, you almost steal my white."
That was not true, you could tastes it, warm, bitter, fresh liquid, it must be the most delicious thing for you. You should confess to me, if you did, because, I definitely not want, gives this gift to you, yet.
"About the blowjob, that was too fast, but good enough for first. Look at you, now, like a public street whore, how are feel yourself?"
I lied, your blowjob virtue was the best, I ever feel, but you don't need to know this.


I seem ashamed by how quickly I made you finish, but happy about being covered in our wonderful cum. "Master... Your cum is the most delicious thing that I have ever tasted" I say happily. "Thank you for allowing me to taste it. I feel like I am exactly as I was meant to be, a cock sucking, cum covered whore."


Two guy, not much older than me walked next to the other side of the bush. Maybe they see you, but surely hear those kinky words. I feel myself lucky, and I known, after a few months of personal training, I also became pride to you, my greedy doll.
I am in a dilemma, I should punish you, because you steal my sperm, but I am in a weak moment now, maybe because I cumed before a minute, and I show mercy, because of your humble words. I peting your head, you are a good puppy-girl.
"Now, finnish the masturbating. After than, time to fully undress yourself, lick the cold sperm from the bra, but don't clean your breasts. Stand up, turn around, I want to see the merchandise."
You can see, my cock is hard again, ready for an another turn, but I can command my lust desire, I need to hold my authority in front of you. I am stronger, than my libido. I still have a trial, what waits for you.


I lay back on the ground and finger myself violently, soon groaning as I have a powerful orgasm. I remove what little clothing I have left and sensually lick the cum off of my bra. Then, eager to show myself off, I turn around and bend over to give you a clear view of my pussy and ass.


"You are a pretty nice, clever, young slut. Well educated, and well thinking."
I don't even try to hide my satisfiction, about your diligence.
"Smart girls, are mostly liars, or feminist, equalist rebels. Maybe I should torture you, to confessed your crimes. Hard to beleive, you already know your place in the world, and accept to be a simple an inferior fuckmeat."
Only I just to scare you, and force you, to speak more. I love your words, sounds so honest and real, like the music of the spheres, at the gate of death.
I thinking about your extremly effective blowjob. With my friends, we playing with their fuckslaves, and no one can finish me, less over than a half an hour. So many whipping, caning, and other kind of punishments and humiliation are done, because my hardly satisfiable cock. You are not a casual girl, and I want you.


"Master... the little fucktoy is only so smart so that she knows how to please men better. Please do not be upset with the little slut for her intelligence."
You can see that I am terribly nervous that I am going to be beaten just for being smart.


"I beleive you, if you don't give me another reason, I will not hurt you because of your greatest talent. But as a slavegirl, you will suffer a lot of whipping, and many other sources of punishment, if I want to hear your scream of pain. I think, I am primarly not a sadist, and you came to me, because of this. In the school, your slutty girlfirends think, I am soft and weak, and I can't bear that."
I looked on your ass, breasts, pussy, the entire, fully naked thing, what is "you". And I want to see it with welts, in pink from my whip, and my candle.
"Why did you came to me? Why want you to serve, just me?"


"I saw you eyeing the other slave girls and knew you wished for one of your own. But not just any little slave girl, a slave who can pleasure you and take anything you could possibly do to her."
I look and see that the sun is starting to set.
"My father wants me to be home by sundown. But I hope to see you tomorrow at my party."


"Two things. First is, you are too good sweetie. Maybe the bids are growing to big, if you show your perfect form. So, if you wants to be my slave whore, you need to be worse, than now. That means less money, to your father, if it is count to you something, oh and that means, you surely being whipped and caned in the party. This is up to you, think about that, say good by to your slutty girlfriends and mommy. This would have to be your last day of freedom, instead of first day of real slavery."
I turned back from you, and goes to the house, but one last trial was left.
"You will kneel to the sidewalk, and offer cocksucking for the first man, who come. I will watching you, from my window. If you leave, before somebody let you act, like a gratis-whore. If you don't do this, I will know, you wasn't serious. After that, you walk to home naked, and cum covered, as you like. Happy birthday, Kandi!"
The door locked behind me, and now you are alone, in my garden, without cloths. Specifically, the only cloth, what you really need, except a slave-collar.
Maybe if her father loves her a little, - not more, or less, than any father can love a daughter - he will let me buy the girl, with a friendly price, without bidding.
But I would not mind that bidding anyway.


I stand and go over to the sidewalk, kneeling in the grass to make sure that I am not in anyone's way. Soon a man comes along and I offer to blow him, wanting to be a good girl so that you will buy me. I pull down his pants and boxers using my mouth, and suck his cock, finishing him much faster than I finished you.


I watched Kandi, as he gives a greedy, too fast blowjob, to my father. She was really eager to tastes cum, that was new for me, in the school, she show herself a smart, obedient girl, I tought she was personal cocksucker to the football team, or always traines herself, out of my sight. But I can't doubt, she is a real bitch, an ideal girl of our brave new society. Or with one word a "jackpot".


After your father cums in my mouth, I swallow every drop and then head home to take a shower and get a good night's sleep. The next day I stay home from school so that my father can throw my 18th birthday party. I have been instructed not to wear anything, and as I walk around many men grope my breasts and grab my ass. Thinking of what you told me to do, I back away from one of the men and scream at him to leave me alone. When another man tries to touch me, I slap his hand away, hoping that this will make my price drop so that you can buy me.

Comments (1)

Deleted user
#61210 | 2013. 12. 30. 19:58
Fel a fejjel, ki a mellkassal, lesz ez még így se. :-)

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