She was scared (1)
2021. 12. 03. 19:32 | Published: 712x
It was her twentieth birthday, surrounded by friends and family, everyone congratulated her on graduating high school and getting accepted to a university in Budapest.. Whatever could go wrong? Nothing, you'd think, but for this countryside girl who hails from rural Hungary, her life was never going to be the same ever again.
Sometimes, darkness stems not from the outer world, but from within.. Deep within.
Those dirty, filthy, dark and lustful desires that taint her innocent and immaculate soul, after all, she had just turned twenty.
She had never experienced anything like this before, she was a virgin girl whose pristine body thought was "reserved" for her husband, for the love of her life who will wed her in front of everyone, publicly and officially, only then was she willing to give up her most precious possession.. Her body, heart and mind!
Days pass by and this girl -let's hypothetically call her Karina- starts her classes at university. She studies journalism and, naturally, she was inclined to keep up with the latest news, in Hungary and worldwide. How did she do that? Well, normally, in her small village near Szeged, she would watch the news each and every evening with her parents, but now that she had left her town heading to Budapest, she had to read everything on the internet. Karina's parents were extremely proud of her, she was the overachieving kid of the family, no other family member was able to attain university, she was simply intelligent and the most cherished in her family. But little did her father know, that his sweet little girl was going to discover a whole new world of promiscuity and lasciviousness, a world where his princess would become a submissive servant, the queen of the family being a slutty whore for the man she now calls "Master".
One day while our dear Karina was surfing the web, she comes across some news about a police crackdown on whorehouses in a European capital city. Karina was shocked to read everything included in this article. It had said that over 100 girls were participating in sexual themes including them being tied up, whipped, dominated and other "horrible things".
"How could someone ever tolerate that?" Karina told her roommate Eniko who shared the dormitory room with her in Budapest. "Tolerate? Honey, they live for this!" Eniko replied.
Karina couldn't be more shocked and disgusted by what her friend said.. How can someone like being humiliated and treated this way? There must be something seriously wrong with the world!
Three days passed and Karina could not sleep. She suffered insomnia because of what she had read. She constantly thought about this, and since she was still a virgin -and to some extent naive and unexperienced- girl, she had no idea what kind of pleasure is awaiting her in the realm of BDSM.
Karina spent some days researching the concept of deriving pleasure from submitting and being dominated and humiliated, until she finally stumbled upon a BDSM dating site in Hungary.. Now here's where things get really heated! She signs up, purely out of curiosity, only to be faced with the most exciting, scary and anxiety/safety inducing experience of her life!
(To be continued in part 2).
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